Topic166 People recognize a difference between childrenandadults. What events (experiences or ceremonies) make a personanadult? Use specific reasons and examples to explainyouranswer.[参考提纲]166、高中毕业(1)年龄上,意味着孩子已经变成了成年人。
可以做大部分决定(2)知识水平。有足够的知识谋生。(3)有独立生活的能力。 A children is solittle thinand coward,but an adult is very strong and wise.I wantto help myparents and make them happy.Some books and movies tellme that manythings can make me an adult.They are experiences orceremonies suchas going to college,getting a job,wedding and soon.We may look intoevery possible events,however,the foremostshould be the entrance tocollege.From the first day on campus,wehave to do a lot of thingsall by ourselves,washingclothes,cleaning doms and buying fruits.Achild never worry aboutthese things.We also learn how to protectourselves and how to getwell with the others.We keep alert to judgewhether our behavioursare center or wrong and distinguish which isgood or bad for us.Whenwe meet difficulties,we can overcome them byour own effortsinstead of asking for help from you parents,webacome adults sincethe moment.When we graduate,we find a job andlive on our ownearnings.We work hard and do a good job to make ourvalue by giveour own contributions to the society.We plan how touse our timeand money to make ends meet.We help who are in thehardship.When weget rewards,we bacome adults since the moment.Thenwe get marriedand have children.We teach them how to walk, how tospeak and howto bacome adults.We also make our parents andrelatives happy.webecome adults since the moment.So life isbeautiful.To become anadult means to become more independent andmore responsible.Topic:166The difference between children andadults are very easy to tellfrom their physical outlooks: childrenand small, weak, have a poorjudgment, and have to depend on adults.On the contrary, adults arebig, strong, and more independent. Everychild will grow up tobecome an adult. What events make a person anadult? In my personalopinion, there are a lot of events which markthe turning point fora person to become adult.In many countries,when a child becomeseighteen years old, he or she legally becomesan adult. There willbe a big celebration and many best wishes fromrelatives andfriends; the young person may also have a greatlonging for abcenter future in his adult life. He may move out fromhis parentshouse and live alone; he may start dating and doingactivitieswhich only adults can do, such as going to apub.Graduation fromcollege is another big turning point for aperson to become adult.In college the young person may reply fullyor partially on hisparents for financial support, but after hegraduates, he must finda job for himself, and live on his own.Graduating from college andjoining the work force can also make aperson an adult.Marriage isalso a big event to a person. Oncebecome husband or wife, theyoung person starts to take care ofothers, and take responsibilityfor the family. Once the youngperson becomes a parent, he or sheshould also take care of thebaby.I believe that getting marriedand have children is the mostimportant event that turns a personinto an adult. Only after onegets married, does he or she take onthe responsibility to thefamily and the society.Topic: 166Thereare so many differencesbetween children and adults, such as adultsalways make decisionsindependently, while children offten dealwith things under thesupervision of adults. Although it is acourse that a child grows upand become an adult, I believe thatmany events play a significantrole in it. Based on the experienceand life style of my own,leaving parents and living alone is theevent that turn a child intoan adult.The main reason of theargument I support is that livingindependently could develop theability of thinking and doingindependently. In family, parentsalways prepare everything andcreate a comfortable condition forchildren. Children at home arealmostly carefree, and need notworry about cooking, washing, makingcleanning, and the only thingthey have to care of is study.However, when living in thedormitory of school, they have to beginto study how to deal withhouse work and how to get on alone withothers. And it is moreimportant that they have to thinkindependently and make decisionslike adults.Another reason can beseen by everyone is that to liveindependently a child will have toface many problems which needcourage and the capabilty to copewith. Without the help fromparents, children will find there are somany unexcepted concretetroubles can not be resolved only bythemselves. For example, whena freshmen move into dormitory, he orshe have learn to change thelight bulb, clean the house, how to geton well with roommate andso on. At this time, making friends andhelping each other are veryimportant for them to resolve thetroubles.In addition, thefrustration and even the failure in lifeis very significant in thecourse of grouth. An experience, example,or observation impartbenenficial new knowledge and wisdom. In thesame way, a failurebring children lessons and make their thoughtand behavir matureand sense.General speaking, living independentlywill develop theability of dealing with things of children, testthe courage ofcope with difficulties of them, and bring them manylessons. Takinginto account of all these factors, we may reach theconclusion thatliving by own make a child mature and wise , andturn a child intoan adult.
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